An Inconvenient Truth...Global Warming..(@.@)

Albert Gore is the ex vice-president of the USA who talks about an inconvenient truth. The truth is that our planet is in danger of climate crisis and it’s called the global warming.

First Al Gore was talking about the atmosphere of the earth, is that the earth is too big but the atmosphere too thin and it’s thin enough to change its composition. Then he talked about the global warming that caused by the greenhouse gases and he showed a graph of the rise of the temperature that effects in many places that effect the melting of the glaciers. The problem is 40% of the people around the world get their drinks from the glaciers that make shortage of drinking water. Mr. Gore showed the two graph of the temperature in the Northern Hemisphere and CO2 concentration in past 1000 years is that closely the same and that is mean that if the CO2 is higher the temperature is higher. I taught after fifty years the temperature will raise more.

Global warming taking place too in the ocean, which means that if the ocean, is getting warming that cause stronger storms and hurricanes. He showed a graph of the numbers of storms and flood in the world is that rising every year, global warming can cause drought and lack of rainfall in many places in Africa. The one of the region is that experiencing faster impacts from the global warming is north pole that make ice shelves cracks in two half several years ago and the surface of the north pole was thicker. Global warming too can affect the change of the season all over the world and can cause a lot of disease to people and the species of the animal are reducing.
In the conclusion, Mr. Gore said that we can solve these problems by US emission: carbon capture and storage. I think this movie was so creative that inform the people around the world about danger of the global warming.

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