Abu Dhabi Development…..^^

As you know the emirate of Abu Dhabi is the largest of the seven emirates that comprise the UAE so that makes Abu Dhabi has the biggest development across the UAE. I saw many developments that can be happening in Abu Dhabi that makes Abu Dhabi very cool to other country in the world.

One of the coolest developments that I think is the Saadiyat Island and it called the Island of happiness. In my opinion this project will make Abu Dhabi so green and a cool city. I may think too that development makes Abu Ahabi one of the coolest city in the world.

There are some development that I think it’s interesting, it is the Yas island project. Yas Island occupies a total land area of 2,500 hectares, of which 1,700 hectares will be claimed for development. The Island will feature attractions such as a world-class motor sports racetrack, signature hotels, the Ferrari theme park, Water Park, and the Abu Dhabi destination retail development of 300,000 sq m retail area, links and parkland golf courses, lagoon hotels, marinas, polo clubs, apartments, villas and numerous food & beverage outlets that will create a unique international tourist destination.

In conclusion, these two developments could make Abu Dhabi the most popular and the coolest city in the world.

Cool Cities..

This world is developing many serious problems day after day. For example, global warming, air and noise pollution. Also the increasing of population is making these problems harder to control. To solve these problems, cool cities (SDJC) plan has been set for the gulf.

The logo of the cool city (SDCJ) is "Towards sustainable urban development and Architecture". This project is about building a Network of cool cities that depend on natural power. The city will reduce 60% of its CO2. As known 90% of the CO2 is released from buildings and transport. By building a city with 1 km radius they will solve the transport problem because every thing will be reachable by walking. There are also monorail station, Light rail transit station, water transportation and hybrid car parking areas. All the buildings will be green buildings so the CO2 will be reduce as much as possible.

To conclude, these cities are one of the solutions that will help solving the global warming. no one built this city because of it's high cost but as you can see building these kind of cities will help solving many problems and reduce carbon emission.

How big is your carbon footprint…?

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. There are 2 types of footprint that make up your total carbon footprint; the direct/primary footprint and the indirect/secondary footprint. The primary footprint is a measure of our direct emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels and includes the energy we use at home and for transportation – air travel creates a primary footprint. The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use - those associated with their manufacture and eventual breakdown.

The first thing people should need to do is to calculate their carbon footprint. They ca
n do this online in some websites like: www. Carbonfootprint.com or www. myfootprint.org. so I calculated my carbon footprint I got 21.32 average of the equivalent. Then I compared with the other students in my class and I got one of the low carbon footprint in the class. When i calculated my carbon footprint in those two sites asked me about the food, home, travelling and things that I use .this is some examples of the question that they asked me, what kind of food that I eat, if I use train, bus and car, what I use in the home that I can reduce my carbon footprint and if travel too much to Europe.

You can act on your carbon footprint with any of the reduction methods. First in your home,for example. Unplug your electronics, Reduce water in your toilet tank and Dry clothes on a clothes line instead of in a dryer. Second in your diet, for example, Decrease your meat consumption and Buy local. Finally in you travelling for example, using your bike or feet for most transportation needs and purchasing a Hybrid vehicle.

Is this movie Political OR not...?

In my opinion this movie was really great and I really enjoyed and learned more about global warming from the movie. The message of Mr. Gore for the people is very aspiring to make people think twice about the danger of global warming. I think this movie is not a political movie and I think is immoral issue and it’s the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization. These problems it depends to us if we want to save the earth from the climate change by reducing of use of fuel and use renewable resources.

But some people can be political; it is means the government should take an action for the factory that produce carbon dioxide emission by giving them rules to reduce their emission like carbon tax.

To conclude, it doesn’t matter if it’s political or scientific or else, we should reduce our emission by ourselves if you people want your children live nice and cool weather. It is your choice..?

An Inconvenient Truth...Global Warming..(@.@)

Albert Gore is the ex vice-president of the USA who talks about an inconvenient truth. The truth is that our planet is in danger of climate crisis and it’s called the global warming.

First Al Gore was talking about the atmosphere of the earth, is that the earth is too big but the atmosphere too thin and it’s thin enough to change its composition. Then he talked about the global warming that caused by the greenhouse gases and he showed a graph of the rise of the temperature that effects in many places that effect the melting of the glaciers. The problem is 40% of the people around the world get their drinks from the glaciers that make shortage of drinking water. Mr. Gore showed the two graph of the temperature in the Northern Hemisphere and CO2 concentration in past 1000 years is that closely the same and that is mean that if the CO2 is higher the temperature is higher. I taught after fifty years the temperature will raise more.

Global warming taking place too in the ocean, which means that if the ocean, is getting warming that cause stronger storms and hurricanes. He showed a graph of the numbers of storms and flood in the world is that rising every year, global warming can cause drought and lack of rainfall in many places in Africa. The one of the region is that experiencing faster impacts from the global warming is north pole that make ice shelves cracks in two half several years ago and the surface of the north pole was thicker. Global warming too can affect the change of the season all over the world and can cause a lot of disease to people and the species of the animal are reducing.
In the conclusion, Mr. Gore said that we can solve these problems by US emission: carbon capture and storage. I think this movie was so creative that inform the people around the world about danger of the global warming.

What is the Global Warming..(>.<)..?

Global warming it is a real issue for earth and for the mankind. Many people are very curious about this and want to understand what is going on with our climate. In this blog, I am going to write an introduction about the global warming.

Warming of the climate is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global mean sea level. Years ago scientists have argued about the causes of global warming. The problem is complicated because scientists warn that man-made causes if left to advance too far may be irreversible. Reduction of the rainforests, continued growth in hydrocarbon industries, increases in livestock, and depletion of the ozone are all considered factors in the debate. Skeptics maintain that the climate change is a natural phenomenon, that man's effect on nature is largely overrated. The fact is that for several years, the earth's temperature is rising. The problem remains in deciding what if anything we can do about it.

The major cause of this problem is the emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide, methane into the atmosphere. The major source of carbon dioxide is the power plants. These power plants emit large amounts of carbon dioxide produced from burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation. About twenty percent of carbon dioxide emitted in the atmosphere comes from burning of gasoline in the engines of the vehicles. This is true for most of the developed countries. Buildings, both commercial and residential represent a larger source of global warming pollution than cars and trucks and the same all of these used by humans.

To conclude, global warming is very serious problem. The scientist should inform citizens who can help how to solve this problem.
